Has it happened to you yet? Have you run out of rooms for TVs? We did! Take advice from us old been-here-longer folks and spot our mistake…
If you’re not into TVs, are you on your 3rd smartphone? Those update fast, don’t they? Like when you upgraded but had your heart set on another, which is just out of range price-wise? Have you a pile to donate?
A friend of mine has several large flat-screen TVs. He complained the other day that he couldn’t buy one of the newer ones for its neat, new capability. Why? Because he’d run out of wall space and rooms himself. He said it didn’t make sense to upgrade because the others were working and nothing was wrong with them. But it wasn’t until he said this that I realized, its something we all tend to do.
We cheap out, possibly out of necessity, but sometimes due to lacking the infinite wisdom that comes with age. As humans, we also like to collect things, when it might be better to space out our purchase.
I am much more intentional now when I decide to buy something. Now, I hold back on some, and enjoy each one. I also enjoy adding less to the landfills and appreciate that more. Since I’m not hopping on every fad, I have more money to spend and, bonus(!), its usually better for the environment.
This can help save money and help you enjoy and appreciate life.
Who knows when the next phabletvision will come out!? I hope I have room!