I just recently ran across something that sounded great if you frequently fly with your children. We may know them as airplane seat extenders, (affiliate link) airplane beds, or travel pillows for kids. There’s also some that multitask as luggage, a seat, and a seat extender. The story goes that a mom came up with this concoction to allow the kids to have a better, more comfortable, and restful flight.
So I did some research. Some airlines have approved them for use, but some ban them entirely. So, if you’re thinking about getting an airplane seat extender, read up on the latest rules on the airline you plan to use just to make sure they allow these devices.
They seem great, but it appears as though some airlines still consider them a potential safety hazard and they have been banned. For instance, the following is a statement from united.com (as of 12/5/19, at the bottom of the page). So be sure to do your research first so you don’t buy something you can’t use OR end up at an airport with something too hard to place in carry-on because they don’t let you use it.